Jaipur is the hub of crafts of any kind. For years, Jaipur and nearby areas of Rajasthan have attracted the domestic and international buyers. When tourists come to visit Jaipur, apart from the fabrics, puppets and other things that they want to carry along as a souvenir is Jaipur's famous Blue Pottery.

As the name suggest, the Blue Pottery is mostly bright blue in color and also fragile like other pottery. It is called by this name because natural Indigo dye is used to color the pottery.

The pottery dough is prepared by mixing quartz stone powder, powdered glass, fuller earth, borax, gum and water. The only kind of pottery in the world which resists the use of clay, is Blue Pottery.

One can easily notice the motifs on the Blue Pottery are taken by the Jaipur architecture and the pattern which are also prominent in Sangneri and Jaipuri block printed fabrics. The patterns of Blue Pottery are also affected by Mogul patterns.

The pottery includes a big variety of products ranging from flower vases, tiles, decorative items, gift boxes, canisters, coffee mugs among others. Small gift items such as key rings, door knobs are very common products in Blue Pottery.
Where will i get the rates for blue pottery amd gallery i cudnt find..on the site…n also the prizing